1. Introduction to Apache Spark: A Unified Analytics Engine
What is Apache Spark
- Apache Spark is a unified engine designed for large-scale distributed data processing.
- It borrowed the idea from Hadoop Map-Reduce, but enhance the system by make it:
- highly fault tolerant
- embarrassingly parallel
- faster by supporting in-memory storage for intermediate results between iterative and interactive map and reduce computations
- Because of lacking efficient data sharing, Hadoop is not good at the tasks below and the I/O is toll:
- Iterative Jobs (迭代式運算), e.g., ML
- Iteractive Analyst (交互式分析), e.g., Markov matrix
- Because of lacking efficient data sharing, Hadoop is not good at the tasks below and the I/O is toll:
- offer easy and composable APIs in multiple languages as a programming model:
- ML: MLlib
- SQL for interactive queries: Spark SQL
- stream processing: Structured Streaming
- graph processing: GraphX
- support other workloads in a unified manner
- 2009: Designed by RAD Lab (UC Berkeley)
- 2014: Apache Spark 1.0 was released.
The 4 Design Philosophy Centers of Spark
1. Speed
- DAG scheduler and query optimizer:
- Construct an efficient computational graph that can usually be decomposed into tasks which are executed in parallel across workers on the cluster.
- Tungsten (physical execution engine):
- Uses whole-stage code generation to generate compact code for execution.
- With all the intermediate results retained in memory and its limited disk I/O, this gives it a huge performance boost.
2. Ease of Use
- Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD, 彈性分散式資料集):
- Is a set of partitions (splits in Hadoop)
- supports 2 type of operations that you can use to build big data applications in familiar languages:
- Transformations: is a lazy function that produces new RDD from the existing RDDs.
- Actions: give non-RDD values which are stored to drivers or to the external storage system.
3. Modularity (模塊化)
- Spark operations can be applied across many types of workloads and expressed in any of the supported programming languages: Scala, Java, Python, SQL, and R.
4. Extensibility
- Spark focuses on its fast, parallel computation engine rather than on storage.
- Spark decouple storage and compute, so you can read data stored in myriad sources, and process it all in memory.
5. Unified Analytics
- Spark replaces all the separate batch processing, graph, stream, and query engines with a unified stack of components that addresses diverse workloads under a single distributed fast engine.
The 4 Components of Apache Spark
Spark SQL
- read structured data, e.g., from RDBMS, files (csv, text, JSON, Avro, etc), and then construct permanent or temporary tables in Spark.
- you can combine SQL-like quer‐ ies to query the data just read into a Spark DataFrame by using Spark’s Structure APIs in Java, Python, Scala and R.
- Example:
// Read data off Amazon S3 bucket into a Spark DataFrame spark.read.json("s3://apache_spark/data/committers.json") .createOrReplaceTempView("committers") // Issue a SQL query and return the result as a Spark DataFrame val results = spark.sql("""SELECT name, org, module, release, num_commits FROM committers WHERE module = 'mllib' AND num_commits > 10 ORDER BY num_commits DESC""")