Rolling Updated & Rollbacks
The commands of deployment
- kubectl create:
kubectl create -f <deployment_file>.yaml
- kubectl run:
kubectl run <deployment_name> --image=<image_name>
kubectl apply -f <deployment_file>.yaml
kubectl set image deployment/<deployment_name> key=value
: the file is unchanged.
- How it works?
- destory the old replica-set
- create a new replica-set
Check Status
kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment_name>
kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment_name> --version=<version>
- When you create a deployment, it trigger a rollout, and it create a revision.
kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment_name>
- Deployment Strategy:
- Recreate: Destroy all of the all versions -> application down -> create new version
- Rolling Update: Deafult. Destory and create pod one by one, so that the application will keep running if you have more than one pod.
- If the new pod is unvailable, k8s will not terminate the old one.
- Command line:
kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment_name>
- How it works?
- Destory the new replica-set
- create the old replica-set