3. Telemetry
- Need a Proxy (Envoy Sidecar) running in each pod you want to monitor.
- The control plane needs to be running (ie istiod, kiali, jaeger, and grafana).
- You do not need any specific Istio yaml configuration. (No need for VirtualServices, Gateway, etc)
- Service mesh management for Istio
- It visualizes the traffic:
- Graph:
- app graph
- workload graph
- traffic
- logs
- inbound metrics
- outbound metrics
- service graph
- Graph:
- It allow you to:
- make dynamic changes
- circuit breaker
- A / B test
- You don’t need to have staging env
- When you click “action” to:
- Create Weighted Routing
- Create Matching Routing
- Suspend Traffic
- Kiali will generate yamls to create the following resources to achieve the goal dynamically:
- virtualservices,
kubectl get virtualservices,
- destinationrules,
kubectl get destinationrules,
- virtualservices,
You can not view single request in Kiali, but you can view the details in Opentracing frameworks
- Open Tracing:
- Jeager: released by Uber
- Zipkin: released by Twitter
- Trace:
- a visualization of the life of a request as it moves through a distributed system.
- Span:
- is the primary building block of a distributed trace, representing an individual unit of work done in a distributed system.
- Each span encapsulates the following state according to the OpenTracing specification:
- An operation name
- A start timestamp and finish timestamp
- A set of key:value span Tags
- A set of key:value span Logs
- A SpanContext